And I blame Samantha for getting me involved in swapping. LOL!
This is a place where I can post family updates and ramble about things as I try to find my way since the recent death of my daughter. Life has completely changed for my sons, my husband and myself. Our faith has been a great source of comfort and we'll continue to rely on it as we press forward.
You should run a company - how you find time to do all this and more is waaaay beyond me. I struggle to find time to fight off the increasing Pixie hordes...
Dan, I do run a business! I'm a Creative Memories Consultant. Actually, CM gets me out of the house and working with other grown women! hehe... that's why I love it so much.
I work on my swaps and scrapbooking while I wait for Jess to go to sleep at night.... or should I say, as I put her back to bed 204858872487 times. lol
mwa-ha-ha-ha! and so I spread the contagion... :) Adorable dolls!
Maybe you should come on over, be my Time Management Consultant.
That or you can do my laundry.
I can't keep up with my own laundry - remember, we are a family of 6! And speaking of time management... how much time would it take for me to travel to your house? Would that be good time management on my part? Kinda defeats the purpose, no?
Well, once you're actually here, you might as well stay for a while - make it a monthly communte. I'm sure it won't drain the bank NOR get tedious! And how many people can claim they communte by continents ;)
Not many people commute between continents because it's INSANE! to do so. lol Oh yeah, and sure... I have plenty of time and money to travel to England and back every month.
Although.... since I would be working for YOU.... then YOU should pay my way there and back. Oh yeah, and pay for my living accommodations while I'm there. (and sleeping in the bathtub won't do).
Not a problem, you fly over here, and once you're here I can give you the money for the flight AND the next 12 flights, plus the keys to your new luxury apartment. Heck, send me some of the crazy money you lot have and I will buy you some better, English money.
I can afford all this as a man in Nigera is sending me £2.1million for helping him. Isn't that nice.
That is nice. Just let me know when you wake up from your pipe dream, ok?
2.1 million hey Dan, think you have more chance of winning the lottery, and Nancy I dont think Dan would be able to put you anyway where else except that Bathtub, as everywhere else is taken over with Computer stuff, sally the dog, the physco cats, Jaysens toys, Jo man fighting equipment and of cause every when you go will be darling Tam, just maybe nancy you could bring a tent and camp in the garden.
The garden is an overgrown jungle. I've given it up as a lost cause. Of course, chucking Nancy out there *would* be an interesting way to figure out what predators are out there...
Somehow I don't quite agree with you Dan.
That's because you're biased.
Time to work dear! I've changed the link to my blog - it's now:
0ddness with a zero not an O
I'll change the link to your blog if you change mine... you have Jensenland as my blog... but it's not the name of my blog, it's my family site with Jessica's CHD story: www.angelfire.com/oh4/jensenland
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