Geppetto Brandon making his own wooden boy. He names him Woody Board.

Geppetto Brandon is happy with his creation. Woody is concerned because he can't seem to find his arms and hands.

Geppetto Brandon seems upset. What did you say to him Woody?

Woody wonders if he should be concerned? Is this a new place for timeout? What happened to just standing in the corner?

Woody smells something different. He wonders if he passed gas.

Now Woody is feeling a little warm. What is that smell? It's getting stronger.

Woody is starting to get concerned. He wonders if Pinocchio ever had to deal with this type of situation.

Woody notices that the cage doors are now closed. He knows now that there is no escape.

Woody was a real hero - he gave his life to give our family warmth.
Ignore the boy in the t-shirt and shorts. It really WAS COLD that day.

I'm going to call the NSPCWC, The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Wooden Children.
After all, you live in the middle of a desert, it's always hot there!!
Ok, this totally cracked me up! Nancy! What kind of a household do you run over there?? ROFL!
p.s. looks a little like my household....hahahahahahahahahaha!
hey now, no sense in bring the NSPCWC into this. It gets down to below 30° some nights. bbbbbrrrrr.... *teeth chattering*
I'm so glad you enjoyed it Jenny. We had a really good time. We are a little morbid around here, I'm sure you can tell. hehe.. but hey, we have fun!
You know, it's occurred to me that he was probably better off in the fire - that knot on his forehead looks sneakily like a target....
Are you sure that is a knot or maybe an old bullet wound that was healing? Hmmm.... the plot thickens.
A cautionary tale for cheeky wooden boys...
Mwahahahaha! Stay tuned for the sequel,
Woody Board, the second coming!
(not rated)
hehe Poor little wooden chaps...
Heeheeheehee, I loved that story GB. Thanks for brightening my day!
I even started to feel warm from the nice fire Woody Board gave his life for. Can't wait for the sequel!!! lolol
Frozen Susan in NYState
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