Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

Ok, it's not REAL rain I'm talking about, it's the metaphorical rain as in: "When it rains, it pours" type of rain. Here is the short version of what is going on here today:

Jessica not only has strep but is coughing and congested. She has a low-grade fever and sounds like she is talking while holding her nose. She is quite miserable and has been feeling nauseated but I finally got her to drink some sprite and take a couple of popcicles. Once the fever came down a bit she was able to eat some soup. She is now playing her gamecube. She didn't get to sleep last night until 4am.

Austin and Brandon have been coughing too. Austin had an asthma attack on his way home from school today and could hardly breathe and was gasping for air while holding his head because it hurt so much. I gave him a breathing treatment, tylenol and a cool washcloth. He is breathing ok now and resting.

It's HOT here in Southern Arizona. It was 86° yesterday and expected to be into the 90's by Monday. That's actually 20° above normal for this time of year. We are sick, sweaty and grumpy. Stay clear of our house if you can! LOL! I may have to have Karl shut down the heater so he can hook up the cooler this weekend. We don't usually have to do that until late April. Just watch... as soon as we do it, the weather will turn again and it will get cold and we'll freeze. Ah, well... such is life.


Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

Hope the peeps at your house start getting better quick..
and it was in the 80's here too...

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I am so sorry you guys are going through all the icky sick stuff out there in AZ too. Yuck, and super hot to boot. I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while. Now that we are finally on the mend, I should be popping by much more frequently. :)

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

holy cow, it was in the 90's this past week... eeek!